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学术报告 Diatom Photonic Crystal Biosensors(《硅藻光子晶体生物传感器》)

作者:办公室  发布时间:2017-08-31 00:00  点击量:

报告人:王小龙,教授,Oregon State University

报告人简介:王小龙,2000年获清华大学材料科学与工程学士,2003年获中科院半导体所固体电子学硕士,2006年获美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校电子计算机工程博士。在2007年至2011年期间,王博士在美国Omega Optics公司从事科研工作,自2011年9月至今在俄勒冈州立大学电子计算机学院任职,现为副教授(终身教职)。
王博士的主要科研方向为用于光通信和光学传感的微纳光子器件研究,其研究工作获得美国自然科学基金,卫生署,空军科学办公室,俄勒冈州政府和能源部以及惠普公司等工业界的多项资助。王博士作为第一作者或通讯作者在国际顶级刊物上发表过70多篇论文,包括Nanoscale, Sensors & Actuators:B. Chemical,Biophotonics,Optical Express,Applied Physical Letters等,并获多项专利。王博士是IEEE,OSA和SPIE高级会员,至今做过80多场学术报告,其中包括12个大会的特邀报告。

Photonic crystals can manipulate light in unique manners and have played increasingly important roles as optical biosensors. Diatoms are microalgae found in every habitat where water is present. Their abundance and wide distribution make them ideal materials for a wide range of applications as living photonic crystals.
In this seminar, I will discuss the use of diatom photonic crystals with plasmonic nanoparticles as ultra-sensitive, low-cost substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensing. Our research shows that such hybrid plasmonic-photonic crystal nanostructures can improve the SERS detection limit by 100× for immuno-assay biosensing.
I will also discuss the recently found microscopic fluidic flow induced by the evaporation of liquid droplet on diatom photonic crystals. At last, I will present a facile method for instant on-site separation and detection of analytes by thin layer chromatography (TLC) in tandem with SERS spectroscopy using high density diatomite thin film. Our research suggests that such cost-effective, multi-functional photonic crystal biosensors enabled by diatom biosilica may open a new route for lab-on-chip systems and possess significant engineering potentials for chemical and biological sensing.