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学术报告《Privacy and Security in Federated Learning》

作者:周宏旺  发布时间:2021-05-10 15:19  点击量:

讲座题目:Privacy and Security in Federated Learning





Motivated by the advancing computational capacity of wireless end-user equipment (UE), as well as the increasing concerns about sharing private data, a new machine learning (ML) paradigm has emerged, namely federated learning (FL). Specifically, FL allows a decoupling of data provision at UEs and ML model aggregation at a central unit. By training model locally, FL is capable of avoiding direct data leakage from the UEs, thereby preserving privacy and security to some extent. However, even if raw data are not disclosed from UEs, individual's private information can still be extracted by some recently discovered attacks against the FL architecture. In thistalk, wemainlyprovide three attractive sections to analyze the privacy and security issues in FL and discuss several challenges on preserving privacy and security when designing FL systems. Indetails, for the privacy issue, we propose a differentially private FL framework by adding appropriate noises on the parameters and analysis the convergence performance in terms of the privacy level. Then for the security issue, we propose two potential attacking methods on the current FL framework, and the system performance as well as defensive mechanisms are investigated in this part. In addition, to avoid the one-point-failure issue existing in the FL framework, we propose a blockchain-aided FL framework. The procedure details and corresponding system performance are also included in this section.


李骏教授目前就职于南京理工大学电光学院,任无线通信与传感网研究所所长、博士生导师,同时兼职网络空间安全学院博士生导师。致力于通信、计算以及控制融合的分布式人工智能架构与方法及其在工业互联网中的应用相关研究。主要基于信息论、博弈论、随机优化理论和人工智能的交叉融合,围绕软件定义网络中的网络切片和网络功能虚拟化、人机物融合的雾计算和区块链架构、网络多智能体抗干扰博弈、边缘智能中的隐私和安全等领域开展研究,并取得了系统性创新研究成果。围绕以上研究方向,李骏发表学术论文200余篇,其中IEEE期刊论文125篇(含ESI高被引论文4篇),以第一作者或通讯作者发表IEEE期刊论文70余篇。以第一申请人发表专利受美国、中国、日本等国授权,并提交国际标准化组织。荣获2013年度中国信息论年会最佳论文奖、2014年度中国信息论年会最佳报告奖、2017年度国际会议EAI 5GWN最佳论文奖、2018年度IEEE Transactions on Communications期刊优秀审稿人、2020年度国际会议IEEE ICCT最佳报告奖、并受邀在2020年中国通信大会(ICCC)上做关于人工智能安全的报告(Tutorial)。

李骏现担任IEEE高级会员、IEEE智能制造标准委员会委员、中国计算机协会CCF高级会员、中国电子学会高级会员、南京市多媒体协会副理事长、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications期刊副编辑(中科院一区)、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing期刊客座编辑(中科院一区)。担任多个国际知名通信会议技术委员会委员(如ICC,GlobeCom),担任国际会议IEEE IOV 2014的宣传主席、IEEE ICIAS 2020的TPC Co-Chair、以及IEEE GlobeCom Workshop的TPC Chair。曾于2015年至2018年期间担任IEEE Communications Letters副编辑。李骏入选第十三批海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目、于2015年入选江苏省特聘教授、2018年入选江苏省双创人才、2019年入选江苏省双创团队。2018年以来,李骏主持包括科技部重点研发计划子课题、国家自然基金重大仪器研制项目子课题、国家自然基金面上项目等在内的多个项目,其中以首席科学家主持的工信部创新发展工程项目,牵头十家参与单位,设计开发新型5G工业互联网架构,获国拨经费3026万元、企业配套14500万元。